Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I got an article published!  This week my very first article in VOYA (Voices of Youth Advociates) magazine came out.  The article is about Twitter, and using Twitter as a librarian.  I'm so proud, and very excited.  I love writing, love my job, love technology, and this article combined all three.  :-)


Richton Park Library Teen Hot Spot said...

congrats! I just read it!
Ms. Laura @ Richton Park Public LIbrary

Annette Mills said...

I just read your article! And I'm a high school librarian with a blog, so I'm following yours. Also, I'm amillssews on Twitter. I'm going to follow you on twitter, too, but it's blocked here at school so... later.

Great job!

Super Librarian said...

Loved the article! I've resisted Twitter for awhile, but after reading your article I decided to give it a try. Congrats on getting published!

Other stuff to read
