Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Lighting Thief and more YA movie news.

Saw the Lightning Thief last night.  It had some really fun parts but on a whole was kind of meh.  The boy who plays Percy Jackson was really awesome though, and I love seeing Sean Bean in almost anything.  The most upsetting thing about the movie though was seeing Pierce Brosnan's hairy upper arms.  Yuck!  Also, I do not see how this movie got a PG rating, but Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was saddled with a PG-13 back in 1984.  I am glad that this movie has added more interest for the books in my library, but I just wish it had been higher quality.  The sad thing is that I still think I enjoyed this movie more than I liked Avatar.

Also, in other YA news I've heard that they have optioned rights a movie version of Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, and also the book Heist Society by Ally Carter.

I am also looking forward to Beastly starring Vanessa Hudgens.  I haven't read that book (although I'd love to if I could find some time!)  and am somewhat excited by the news that the Stephanie Plum movie is finally in the works with Katherine Heigl set to star.  I think I may be about the last woman on Earth to have read the Stephanie Plum books, but I did read and enjoy the first one and can't wait to read the second one!

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