Friday, October 30, 2009

Soultice continued

Still working on Soulstice, I have next week off for my birthday (I will be 30, yikes!) and hope to get some reading done, but I wanted to give an update on this book because just wow. I will admit I've had to skip some parts because of the descriptions, and I am not a squeamish person! Simon Holt has essentially made Stephen King for teens with this series. I mean that as a big compliment because I love Stephen King books. So far, I'd say that if you have any teens that like stories that have some really dark details, then give them this series!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Finished Beautiful Creatures...onto Soulstice!

One thing being sick has done for me is that it's given me time to read.  Between being stuck at home or sitting in the doctor's office I've gotten some quality reading time in.  With this time I've been able to read my text book (yay SQL :-P) and also some real books!

I finished the ARC of Beautiful Creatures, a love story between Caster Lena and Mortal Ethan.  I really enjoyed the book, the atmosphere was great and the secondary characters were flushed out and very likable.  The only thing I am left puzzled by deals with Lena's name and the claiming that happens on her 16th birthday.  I am looking forward to this book being published because I think the teens at the library will love it!  Also, the cover is just beautiful (see my last post for a picture of the cover).

Now I am reading an ARC of Soulstice: The Devouring Book 2 by Simon Holt.  I've not read the first book, but I've heard a lot about it and how spooky it is.  This book has enough introduction to it that it stands on its own, and only 40 pages in I've already come across some really fun and freaky scenes.  This series deals with a teen girl named Reggie and her fight against the "Vours, evil, demonic beings that inhabit human bodies on Sorry Night" and feed on fear.  I am enjoying the book so far and have been glad to get to experience this series that is popular with the teens at my library.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's starting to look a lot like Halloween...

This time of year is one of my favorite times of year.  I love Halloween and I celebrate it by watching a horror or Halloween movie or tv show each night in October.  It's usually a mix standards and new movies.  So far my favorite new movie this year has been Hatchet.

I also enjoy reading a fun, atmospheric book or two this time of year.  I'd love to read more but school keeps getting in the way.  Right now I am reading Beautiful Creatures and am enjoying it.  I am almost at the end and I can't wait to see what happens. 

What's your favorite spooky book?

Other stuff to read
